NEAFA Board Meets at Cornell with Faculty, World Leaders

By Rick Zimmerman, NEAFA Executive Director

The Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance Board of Directors had the opportunity to hear from Cornell faculty and administration leaders during the September 26th  Board meeting at Morrison Hall, the Cornell Department of Animal Science’s headquarters.

NEAFA board members gather with Alliance for Science Global Leadership Fellows following the September 26th board meeting where the fellows presented their stories on the importance of sound science in policy decisions driving their country’s abilit…

NEAFA board members gather with Alliance for Science Global Leadership Fellows following the September 26th board meeting where the fellows presented their stories on the importance of sound science in policy decisions driving their country’s ability to feed their citizens.

The meeting focused on committee updates, approval of legislative priorities, and reports from Cornell faculty members. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Associate Dean Beth Ahner kicked off the presentations with an update and outlook of the College’s plans for the department of animal science. Dr. Tom Overton, the newly appointed chair of the department, joined the conversation, expressing his optimism towards addressing several ongoing challenges, including reestablishing the Animal Science Advisory Committee. The NEAFA Board pledged their ongoing support to work with Cornell to assure that their animal science program remains one of the best in the world. 

Newly hired faculty members, Joe McFadden and Kristan Reed, both NEAFA Partner Sesquicentennial Fellows, briefed the board on their current research projects.  “Both of these new faculty members hit the ground running when they arrived at Cornell,” stated John Clark, NEAFA President.  “NEAFA’s successful campaign to raise $1 million to seed these two faculty positions is paying off in spades as Reed and McFadden complement the Animal Science Department, and their work is on point to addressing dairy cattle nutrition issues.” Reed is also serving on the NEAFA Board of Directors. 

Naboho David an Alliance for Science Global Leadership Fellow from Burkina Faso in west Africa, speaks to board members about his desire to collaborate with US farmers on animal breeding and feeding strategies.

Naboho David an Alliance for Science Global Leadership Fellow from Burkina Faso in west Africa, speaks to board members about his desire to collaborate with US farmers on animal breeding and feeding strategies.

Another topic during the meeting was the Global Leadership Fellow (GLF) program from Cornell’s Alliance for Science. Three current fellows briefed the NEAFA board on their background and purpose for becoming a GLF. Cornell’s Alliance for Science is a group focused on growing the role of sound, peer reviewed science in public policy discussions and consumer based decisions throughout the world. The GLF program is a 12-week intensive training course held on the Cornell University campus. It is designed to equip and empower emerging international leaders who are committed to advocating for science-based communications and access to scientific innovation in their home countries. NEAFA’s Good Works Program is proud to help support the GLF program. 

NEAFA’s next board meeting is scheduled for December 9th, 2019, via webinar, and will focus on continuing the many programs advancing our mission objectives of advocacy, collaboration and education.