John's Jottings

As I write this article, Christmas, New Year’s, Hanukah, and other holidays are all “in play.” As we contemplate the end of a year and the end of a decade, we also have to consider what will the new year, and decade bring? It’s popular to make new year’s resolutions to accomplish the dreams that we have for the future. What tools do you need to make those dreams and goals happen? It is in that spirit of forethought that you should consider attending the upcoming NEAFA Annual Meeting on February 4th and 5th in Albany, NY. Taking a break from your normal day to day schedule, meeting new and old industry acquaintances and friends as well as hearing from our great group of speakers can help prepare you for success in the upcoming year.

Recently, members of NEAFA’s Board of Directors were asked why they attended. There were many excellent responses, so I wanted to take the time to share a few highlights. My dear friend and past NEAFA President, Andy Dugan of Gold Star Feed and Grain says, “I attend to see folks and to be seen. Meeting vendors is important, and I enjoy hearing what my competitors are doing. In short, I attend the Annual Meeting for lots of reasons.” Current NEAFA board member Janet Beken Smith of Stamford Farmer’s Cooperative says that the time spent at the annual meeting is important for her. “I like speaking with legislators, but I don’t find the time on my own. I think direct contact with them is important. NEAFA has some stellar keynote speakers, and I like networking. It is easy to do with everyone in one place.” And finally, NEAFA Board Secretary Lon Stephens feels similar with a few twists, “…networking and learning can help us be more competitive.”

I would also like to thank our sponsors for the great response they have given us already. We have many regulars as well as some new ones, most notably Howlett Farms and Bayer Crop Science, Corteva Agriscience and Syngenta. Sponsorships help assure a successful annual meeting and are critical for funding our operations for the balance of the year.

The annual meeting is broken down into three half days. The first half day will be our usual trip to the Capitol so that we can meet with legislators. Led by NEAFA Executive Director Rick Zimmerman, there may be folks from other groups that we actively collaborate with joining us, LEAD NY & NYS FFA among them. Meeting with legislators is critically important. “Life is controlled by those who show up,” is an adage that that I truly believe in and sharing our intimate knowledge of the agricultural industry can help shape how our representatives vote.

The second half day will be feature opening remarks and with them, the introduction of Delaney Howell, a professional MC and keynote speaker. She will do an excellent job for us. Throughout the meeting there will be breakout sessions and industry updates. This day will finish with our usual special reception, with other industry groups joining us. The third half day will be jam packed, starting with the NEAFA’s Annual Business Meeting and the ever popular NYS FFA Officers with their Opening Ceremony and followed by a great line up of speakers. Peior to lunch, Howell will give her keynote, focused on a wrap up of the annual meeting coupled with her thoughts.

While some of the above may resonate , your reasons for attending are personal. To flip that around, what are the reasons that make it difficult to attend? Perhaps it’s because you won’t make an advance registration, or will forget to mark your calendar, or your daily grind is all consuming. That’s your choice and it is understandable. I would respectfully suggest that you make a conscious decision to attend the Annual Meeting. I encourage you to be proactive towards your 2020 goals and join us in Albany. Learn new things, be enthused, contribute to the discussion and enjoy yourself in February. We’re here to help.

As I close, best wishes for your families and businesses throughout the holiday season and into the new year. I’ll See you in 2020.

John’s Jottings over for 2019!