John's Jottings


By John Clark

April 2020 is historic, though not in the way we would like. The government at state and federal levels has ordered all “non-essential” businesses closed due to the threat of the Chinese Flu. NEAFA members and their customers are showing incredible resilience during this time of uncertainty. When Executive Director Rick Zimmerman checked in with our board members, they responded with how they have changed their daily business practices. First and foremost was clearly the safety of the people that work daily manufacturing and distributing feed and feed products.

Feed manufacturers, dealers and distributors, like the people they serve, are hardworking, resilient folks. It is impressive to see how quickly they implemented these safety practices to keep everyone safe. Employees are encouraged to self-monitor and stay at home if they feel sick. Employees are encouraged to be comfortable with their new working environment and if not, they are offered leave, in many cases paid leave.

NEAFA would like to thank those businesses who responded and gave us a glimpse into their continued commitment to safe food production and abundant food supply.

Recently, there has been wide spread coverage about the required milk dumping. My heart, like yours, breaks for those that have worked incredibly hard to make a first rate, high quality product only to have to watch the fruits of their labor be dumped down the drain. The economics of it are horrible enough, but the sheer frustration must be difficult to endure. Beef producers are in a similar boat with little ability to ship cattle ready for market. Considering the plight of dairy farmers and beef farmers, the industries that support those businesses, like feed, are under personal stress. 

A friend of mine told me a personal story that made me reach out to Ed Staehr, Executive Director of NY FarmNet. He in turn got Kate Downes and Brenda O’Brien involved to create a webinar focusing on stress management, how to identify stress in ourselves and others, and what to do when you are under stress.  You can join the webinar on Wed April 29th from 9 – 11 AM. Registration is easy to do on-line, and it’s free for any that wishes to participate! We have had an exceptionally good response so far, but there is always room for more.

The NEAFA board of directors has decided to move forward with its strategic planning update process. Prior to its completion, you will receive a survey to help us focus attention where it is needed the most. Please fill out that survey thoughtfully and timely. 

Lastly, please keep safe out there. Use common sense and follow the guidelines. If you are a prayerful person, keep our leaders in those prayers. Whatever side of the aisle they stand socially distanced from, they deserve our encouragement, our prayers, and good thoughts towards resolving the health and economic crisis that we are facing.

NEAFA will be keeping you updated on upcoming events as decisions are made. Thank you for your attention and your support of NEAFA. We are here to represent your interests and help the Northeastern agricultural community flourish, especially during difficult times.

John’s jottings over and out for April.