Notice of Bylaws Amendments

The NEAFA Board of Directors, at their June 25, 2020 meeting approved the following bylaws amendments:



Section 1. Classification: The membership of the association shall be divided into four (4) classes as outlined below. All members of each class shall be in good standing and subject to the By-Laws

of this association and shall pay dues according to a schedule established annually by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may approve or disapprove any membership.

(a) Regular Members: Any person, partnership, firm or organization engaged in the business of distribution, or manufacture of, feed, feed ingredients, grain, machinery, seed, fertilizer, agricultural chemicals, agribusiness supplies or services, and animal health products, professional agribusiness services, and retail agribusinesses, shall be eligible for membership in the association.

(b) Academic/ Research Member: An individual whose professional responsibilities in academics, research and/or education necessitates the direct engagement with the agriculture industry

(c) Affiliate Members: Any person serving as an academic, researcher, educator, farmer, or public servant or otherwise interested in agriculture, is eligible for affiliate membership

(d) Honorary Members: (There is no change to this language)

Section 2. Voting Rights:  Only regular and academic members in good standing shall have the right to vote at the annual meeting and at any other membership meeting as scheduled by the Board of Directors, to hold office, and to serve as a member of the Board of Directors.



Section 1. Power and Duties:  The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the association.  The Board shall have the control and guidance of the association and shall enact such rules as may be expedient for the governance of the association, consistent with law, the terms of the Articles of Incorporation, and these By-Laws. The Board may determine the status of a membership through unanimous consent at a regular board meeting.

As per Bylaws Article VI, NEAFA members will be advised of the changes and will have 60 days from the date of this notice (July 29, 2020) to dispute or override the actions of the board.  Such override process shall be initiated by the filing of a petition signed by no fewer than twenty (20) members in good standing of the Alliance, none of whom will be Board members.  The petition must be delivered to either the President or the Executive Director within the 60-day period referenced above.  Upon receipt of a valid petition, ballots will be sent to all members in good standing detailing the amendments made by the Board and of the request for full membership override of the amendments.  Override of the proposed By-Laws amendments shall be achieved upon a two-thirds vote of the entire membership rejecting the Board’s action.  Should the override vote be successful, the By-Laws shall return to their status prior to Board adoption of said amendment(s).

Questions? Please contact Executive Director Rick Zimmerman at .