NEAFA Thanks Exiting President John Clark for His Service

Exiting President John Clark

Exiting President John Clark

By Eric Jenks, Special to NEAFA

NEAFA extends its thanks and best wishes to exiting President John Clark for his leadership to the organization. Leading an organization is never an easy task, and the Covid-19 pandemic created new and unanticipated challenges to surmount. Under Clark’s leadership however, the organization continued to serve the needs and promote the hard work of our members, no matter the difficulties that we all faced.

"It has been my honor to be the president of NEAFA for the past 2 years," said outgoing NEAFA President John Clark. "While I doubt any of us could have foreseen the difficulties of the past year for our industry and the world at large, I think it highlights the importance that our organization has to promote and create opportunities for the agricultural industry during unprecedented challenges. I look forward to remaining active with NEAFA, and seeing the continued success of all of our members.”

While Clark’s shoes will be difficult to fill in the organization, NEAFA is confident that incoming NEAFA President Danielle Penney-Stroop will maintain and build upon the work done by her predecessors.

Executive Director Rick Zimmerman expressed his sincere appreciation for John’s service to the organization.  “John’s dedication to the mission of our organization was unwavering and tireless” said Rick. “A volunteer leader is often a thankless job.  Therefore, on behalf of the entire NEAFA membership, I thank John Clark for a job well done!”

“John, on behalf of the board and myself, I want to express how much we greatly appreciate your time and devotion to NEAFA,” said incoming NEAFA President Danielle Penney-Stroop. “I know it sounds cliché, but I will have big shoes to fill. I often saw and admired as you were taking the bull by the horns or just taking the plunge approach to solving issues. Your dedication to this organization has always been steadfast, with an undeniable passion for serving the industry and its members. You embrace the 3 pillars and set such an example for Advocating, Collaborating, and Educating. Your devotion for recognizing and fostering the engagement of our youth has always been a priority.   Your inspiration and commitment to the sponsorship drives for our meetings and events is contagious. The tenacity to bring forth and lobby critical issues on behalf of our members and the agriculture community with our legislative representatives at all levels is also incredibly motivating. You have never asked anyone to do something that you, yourself would not do.  And it has truly been enjoyable observing you for many years, at the forefront with mic in hand at numerous events and I truly hope that continues.  On behalf of the board – we thank you!”