Strategic Plan: Summer Topic for NEAFA Board

The Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance (NEAFA) Board of Directors will be engaging in a strategic planning process this summer. In preparation for this work, we are requesting members’ input on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of our organization. If you have not already done so, we respectfully request about 15 - 20 minutes to complete this survey because your input is important to us. The deadline for completion of this survey is June 15 and you can access the survey at the following link:

NEAFA SWOT Survey 2021

“We are soliciting input from a wide variety of stakeholders, members and nonmembers alike,” said NEAFA President Danielle Penney-Stroop. “Please provide your honest and frank observations. Your input will be valuable to the Board as it goes about its strategic planning efforts in the coming months.”

The last strategic planning meeting was 2015, and while a meeting was due in 2020, it was postponed due the covid-19 pandemic. “The plan has caused us to focus on our strengths, and to build programs from there,” said Penney-Stroop. “We’re dedicated to the strategic plan because it has allowed us to focus on and to realize that advocacy, collaboration, and education remain our core objectives. Our programs and focus have been around these three elements, and it has reaffirmed the work that we’ve been doing. Now is the time to re-assess and see if this is the direction that we want to continue.”

According to Penny-Stroop, we are at a pivotal moment. “There are so many changes in agriculture as we are watching potential legislation concerning animal welfare and handling, overtime, along with the effect on the view that the general public has on the industry based upon what social media influencers, magazines, etc. are putting out. Things are coming at us fast and furious, and we need to make sure that we look at how to address misinformation when it arises, and how do we play the game to make sure that the best interests of the industry are put before the public.”

Although some questions in the survey ask for demographic information (e.g. name, organization, type of business), please note that this information will be used for analysis purposes only, and none of your responses to individual questions will be associated with your identifying information.

Again, your survey responses are due back by June 15th, and you can reach the survey by clicking here. Thank you for your input and support!