Share the Love of NEAFA!

By Charlie Elrod, Ph.D, President & CEO Natural Biologics, Inc., Board of Directors, Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance

Once a month, this newsletter lands in your inbox, and about 45% of you click through to read an article.  That’s an amazing open rate for a newsletter!  I recently analyzed the click-rate by the type of article and it will be no surprise to you that nearly 80% of the people who open the newsletter click through to read the President’s Pen article (Nice job, Danielle!). Getting over 50% click throughs are member profiles and NEAFA announcements.  About a third of readers will go on to read an article on our lobbying efforts and recognition of other members’ achievements. We really have a very high level of engagement with the NEAFA News.

I recently started sharing the NEAFA News with the rest of my team, most of whom live and work outside the Northeast. Their feedback was very positive, and they asked that I keep sharing it. Why don’t you try sharing the newsletter with your team, or other colleagues who may not be members of NEAFA?  We all benefit from having wider exposure of the topics that we deal with and tackle every day, and it could very well help drive some people to enjoy the benefits of becoming a member! Try it out and see what kind of feedback you get from your friends, colleagues, and co-workers.

I’ll also make an appeal here for anyone interested in working with the communications committee to please get in touch with me directly ( ).  We would really benefit from the insight into your specific corner of the agricultural community. You could help drive the direction that the newsletter takes each month.  NEAFA is the voice for agribusiness throughout the northeast, and the more that you interact with us, the better we can serve as an organization.