On Tuesday December 12th, Senate bill S1856a (Hoylman-Sigal)/A7640 (Glick), which would ban the use of certain neonicotinoid treated seeds was delivered to the Governor for her final approval or veto.
In the time that has elapsed since delivery, both proponents and opponents of the legislation have engaged in significant outreach to the Executive pushing for their preferred outcome. There has been a significant uptick in media coverage on this issue.
The NEAFA partnered with other advocates to send another veto request to the Governor. That letter can be viewed by clicking here.
There is still time left – members who wish to weigh in directly on this bill can utilize a link provided by our partners at the Farm Bureau, located here: https://www.votervoice.net/iframes/NewYorkFB/Campaigns/103317/Respond.
The Governor has until this Saturday, December 23rd to take final action on this legislation. An update will be shared with the membership when final action is taken.