By Eric Jenks, Special to NEAFA
For May, NEAFA spoke with Kelly Elzy of Eastern Minerals, Inc. Elzy is the Northeast Area Manager for the company. “Eastern Minerals, Inc. is one of four separate mineral companies across the United States that share a management team,” said Elzy. “We are a private label trace mineral premix manufacturer that opened in 1978 in Henderson, North Carolina, which is about thirty miles north of Raleigh, NC. We make trace mineral premixes, all proprietary for the agricultural industry, in addition to distributing other minerals and feed ingredients. Dietary trace minerals are essential to all animals and people, and we manufacture specific premixes for dairy, poultry, swine, beef, and pets. Eastern Minerals primarily serves the Eastern Seaboard; Maine through South Carolina.”
Elzy joined the company twelve years ago. “I’m from Illinois originally, and have a Bachelors and Masters in Animal Science and Nutrition from the University of Illinois. I was a city kid, not from a farm. Animal Science 100 got me into agriculture freshman year. I went to the livestock pavilion and was hooked. The people that I work with and call on are my favorite part of the job. I’m blessed to be in a sector of business that has good people to work with.”
As Eastern Minerals’ customer base grew north from North Carolina, they found it beneficial to join NEAFA. “We’ve been a member for years,” said Elzy. “NEAFA is a great organization that does a lot for Northeast farmers, in addition to providing educational and networking opportunities across the feed industry. New York has a lot of legislation surrounding agriculture, and we’re blessed to have an organization like NEAFA to speak up for us. For about 10 years, I’ve served on the events committee for the NEAFA Annual Meeting and yearly Golf for Good Works Tournament. I like how these events can help to provide an informal setting where young people can meet and visit with NEAFA members. One thing that I love about agriculture is that the people in this industry are warm, friendly, and inviting.”
Looking to the future, Elzy sees a push for more locally grown goods. “I do think that people are coming back to supporting local agriculture,” said Elzy. “There’s a new desire to have an understanding of where their food comes from. I think the pandemic really pushed consumers towards that, because the most important thing back then was going to the store and having access to meat, milk, and eggs to buy. A lot of people realized that they didn’t know where it was coming from. Today locally raised is more accessible, and people value that supporting their local farmers is not only supporting a business, but a family in their community. I have a lot of hope for the next generation that is moving into agriculture today.”
For more information on Eastern Minerals, Inc. and their sister companies across the country, visit