Vermont Neonics Response from VDPA

By  Jenne Hull – Vermont Dairy Producers Alliance

Since the end of the session, Governor Scott vetoed several bills that the Vermont Dairy Producers Alliance advocated and testified against, including H.706 The Ban on Neonics. Unfortunately, this veto was not sustained.

"We were very disappointed with those members of the senate and legislature that did not vote to sustain the governor's veto. We appreciate the leadership such as Senator Bobby Starr, who is retiring this year, but fell one vote short in the Senate.  Our agriculture community needs to look at this vote and understand that policy and regulatory development currently in the state of Vermont is being based on a social agenda and not allowing science and research to influence them. It is more important than ever that we continue to advocate using educational and scientific information. Vermont Dairy Producers Alliance will continue to take the lead in Vermont on this front. Our professional efforts under Shouldice and Associates continue to show a difference, even though the result was not one we wanted.  It will be crucial to have partnerships within the industry to facilitate that work.”