NY FarmNet: A Free Source of Support for NYS Agriculture

Image provided by NY Farmnet

Adam Howell, Outreach Director, NY FarmNet 

Farming is difficult, dangerous and, unfortunately for some - depressing. Farmers face a myriad of pressures from unpredictable market forces to the devastating impacts of severe weather and a changing climate. Furthermore, farmers are often forced to deal with these problems in isolation, working long hours in far away, rural locations. With all these headwinds facing farmers and farm families, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the agricultural sector sees exceptionally high rates of substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and sadly – suicide. The business challenges and changing economics of farming have also caused a reduction in the number of farms in NYS from over 105,000 in the 1950s to less than 31,000 today.  

The problems facing farmers are not new, and, in New York State, there has been an understanding for some time that ready-to-go support systems are needed to help improve outcomes for all farmers regardless of size, type, or location within the state. Thankfully, since 1986, New York FarmNet has been one of the most unique, accessible, and successful support systems for farmers found anywhere in the world.

What is NY FarmNet?

New York FarmNet is a Cornell-based, state-funded nonprofit organization that supports any farmer within New York State with totally free, confidential consultation and support on a wide range of issues, problems, and opportunities. NY FarmNet serves the needs of NY farms and farm families in dealing with the financial and emotional challenges they are facing.  

NY FarmNet consultants work with farmers in teams of two, one focusing on financial issues and one focusing on family or emotional issues. Financial consultants have a background in agriculture and assist with business plans, cash flow analysis, succession planning, life after farming, developing record-keeping systems, and loan applications, to name a few. Family consultants have a master’s level degree in social work or counseling. They work with farmers to improve family and marital relations, develop strategies for better communication, manage stress and anxiety, facilitate difficult discussions, and run family business meetings so that all members have a voice. NY FarmNet was founded by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University in 1986, and the main office still operates from Ithaca as part of the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics & Management. 

The unique model employed by NY FarmNet means that farmers can contact the program anytime, day or night for a variety of reasons and receive personal, holistic support and consultation. NY FarmNet consultants are located all around the state and usually visit farm clients in person, on their farm. In fact, one of the program’s informal mottos is, “the best solutions are usually found at the kitchen table.” Farmers and clients work together for as long as necessary – sometimes years, and many farmers are repeat clients returning for advice time and again on different issues. 

How Does it Work?

To begin services, the process is simple; farmers, farm family members, or agribusiness professionals can call the program main phone line 24/7 at 1-800-547-3276 and talk to someone who can take down their information and start the process of beginning a case. Farmers can also use a simple web form located on the programs website at http://www.nyfarmnet.org or email the program at nyfarmnet@cornell.edu. When consultants are assigned, they usually contact clients within a few days.

Things NY FarmNet Works with Farmers On

But what does the program really help with? The answer can be as varied as the farmers themselves. Here are some of the issues NY FarmNet helps farm clients with:

  • Financial Analysis

  • Business Planning

  • Budgets and cash flow projection

  • Farming with Family

  • Setting goals

  • Conflict management

  • Management principles

  • Business decision making

  • Time management

  • Farm succession planning

  • Personal Wellbeing

  • Stress-related emotional issues

  • Relationship issues

  • Family and/or parent-child concerns

  • Domestic violence

  • Alcohol and drug concerns

  • Grief/loss

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Farm conflicts and concerns

  • Farm retirement, transfer, or exit adjustment

  • Retirement & Estate Planning

  • Long-term care

  • Estate planning

  • Leasing farm assets

  • Selling farm assets

  • Income tax planning

  • Legal questions

  • Succession planning

  • Non-family transfers

  • Joint ventures/partnerships

  • Help for start-up farmers

NY FarmNet also provides educational outreach in the form of presentations and trainings for a variety of agricultural-related groups on numerous topics around the state. For instance, NY FarmNet family consultants provide a popular 1-hour presentation on suicide awareness and prevention called “Talk Saves Lives.” 

How You Can All Help Farmers by Supporting the Work of NY FarmNet

Most NY FarmNet program cases come from referrals so one of the most important ways anyone can have an impact is by spreading the word about NY FarmNet’s services to anyone in need. Farmers can and should call any time for any reason – even if they don’t think they have a serious problem. Planning for the future or getting a second set of eyes on a problem is best done before a crisis occurs. NY FarmNet can also be contacted if a group or organization is looking for a presenter or training on topics related to stress management on the farm, suicide awareness and prevention, tax awareness, succession planning and more. Just reach out to the program email address at nyfarmnet@cornell.edu to inquire about what educational outreach is available. Finally, anyone who is a licensed social worker or has a background in agricultural business management and finance is encouraged to inquire about openings on the consultant team - there are usually opportunities available, and the work is very flexible. 

To learn more about the work of NY FarmNet, visit the program website at www.nyfarmnet.org

If you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress, dial 988 for 24/7 support. If this is a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.